Multi-State Partnership for Security in Agriculture Ensuring America’s agricultural system is secure, its citizens are safe, and its economy is strong.
Copyright  2016 Multi-State Partnership.  All rights reserved.
The Multi-State Partnership for Security in Agriculture (MSP), commonly referred to as the Partnership, formed in August 2003 as a collaboration of State Departments of Agriculture, State Veterinarians, Animal Health Departments, Homeland Security Advisors, and Emergency Management Divisions.  Membership has grown to include Food Safety and Public Health representatives and Academic Institutions.  The 15 member-states recognize that an agricultural disaster (natural or man-made) could have regional, national, and global effects. The Partnership mission is to collaborate, share information and prevent duplication of effort between states on emergency preparedness and response initiatives.  MSP produces tools that assist states, stakeholders and producers in addressing challenges involved in securing the agriculture sector. Achievements include development of risk and crisis communication materials, emergency planning templates (crop, livestock, and food processing), business continuity strategies and exercises to ensure the viability of agriculture systems during emergencies.  State-to-state networking enhances efficient response and resource management during an agriculture incident.